
Why YOU should become an officer:

  1. Gain leadership experience - NSCS is one of a few organization that allows anyone to become an officer. No previous leadership experience is required, and it's a good organization to get your feet wet with leadership. 
  2. Network - As a leader in NSCS, you get the opportunity to not only network with hundreds of students in many different departments, but you also get to meet the student and faculty leadership around the school. You may not know it now, but these people can make a big difference in your future, whether it's applying for jobs or internships or asking for letters of recommendation for graduate school. 
  3. Boost your resume - Without leadership experience, many companies will not hire you these days. Especially if you work in engineering, team building and team dynamics are vital tools that need to be developed.
  4. Make a difference at Tech - Being a student leader is one of the easiest ways to make a true impact on student life here at Tech. Sure, there are other venues, but there is a sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with seeing something come to life that you personally developed. 

Alexander Rudat

Bio: Alexander is a 4th year mechanical engineering major from Woodstock, GA. He will be attending graduate school in the fall in aerospace engineering to pursue a PhD. Biking, ping pong, and PC gaming and building are among his hobbies.

Description: The President is in charge of delegating duties to the various officers and the general running of the chapter. The President also meets with the chapter advisor, Dr. Steven Girardot, to get his advice and keep him updated on the chapter.

Executive Vice President
James Kim
jkim630 [at] gatech [dot] edu


Description: The Executive Vice President is in charge of each year's Induction ceremony and aids the President in the various duties involved in running the organization.

VP for Community Service
Geoffrey Viola
gviola3 [at] gatech [dot] edu


Description: The VP of Community Service coordinates all community service events for the chapter. This involves finding local organizations to volunteer for, coordinating dates and times with those organizations, recruitment of members for the projects, and participation in those projects.

Erik Gustafson

Bio: Erik Gustafson is a 4th year BME major from Waleska, GA. He enjoys 
bicycling, swimming, and doing just about anything active in his free
time. Racket sports (including table tennis and racquetball) are among
his frequent hobbies.

Interesting fact: he can solve a Rubik's cube in 36 seconds.

Description: The VP of PACE coordinates all activities related to the Planning to Achieve Collegiate Excellence initiative, including the planning and coordination with the local school(s), recruitment of members, and participation in the initiative. Generally, experience with tutoring is advised by not required.

Paul Dykes
pgdykes [at] gatech [dot] edu

BioPaul Dykes is a Sophomore Business Administration major with a concentration in Finance. Paul is heavily involved on campus as he is a part of  GT Student Alumni Association, Honorary Accounting Organization, The Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society, Minority Recruitment Team, and GT Student Foundation: Investments Committee to name a few. Paul has been actively involved with NSCS since his freshman year. He has attended the Regional Conference and spoken with the NSCS National President. 

Description: Treasurers keep track of funds and actively seek out new forms of income for the chapter. This often involves the development, planning, and execution of fundraising events. Recently, this has also included outreach to chapter alumni.

Alli Gombolay

Bio: Alli is a 3rd year biology major and Spanish minor from Atlanta, GA. She enjoys playing cello in the Georgia Tech Symphony Orchestra and volunteering at Grady Memorial Hospital.

Description: See above.

Public Relations
Tony Choi

Bio: Tony is a 3rd year computer science major. He enjoys playing flag football and soccer. He likes to meet new people and hang out on the weekends.

Description: The Secretary and VP of Public Relations position is the intermediary between the wants and needs of the student body and the leadership. Duties include recording the minutes for each meeting, keeping track of the points system and taking role during meetings, planning and recruiting for social events, and recording photographs of the various chapter events.

NEW FOR 2011:

VP of Public Relations and Webmaster will be one combined officer position. This person will now be responsible for developing and maintaining effective routes of communications with members along with the usual webmaster and VP of PR duties.

Secretary and Historian -- this new officer position will take the duties of secretary, including keeping track of student points and recording meeting minutes, from VP of PR and combine them with the previous duties of the Historian. These responsibilities include keeping historical records of events and members along with maintaining appropriate databases of relevant officer information to pass down between each year of leadership.