The Basics

Chapter Purpose

Our chapter strives to follow the pillars of NSCS: Scholarship, Leadership, and Service

    - Scholarship: To help our members achieve scholastically, we bring in guest speakers from organizations and facilities on campus and off campus. Some examples include the Office of Professional Practice (DoPP), the Office of International Education (OIE), Kaplan, and representatives from companies like Google and Lockheed Martin.

    - Leadership: Any member may become an officer as soon as he or she joins. Unlike many organizations, this provides an opportunity to lead from an early time at Georgia Tech.

    - Service: Averaging about once every three weeks, the NSCS chapter sponsors a community service project. These include projects at Tech like TeamBuzz and Tech Beautification Day as well as off campus projects like Project MedShare, the Mad Housers, Light the Night, Habitat for Humanity, and many more. See the calendar for the schedule of community service events.

To see the overall purpose of NSCS, visit the national webpage here.

How to Participate

Here are the top 5 ways to participate in NSCS.
  1. Become an officer--As an officer you can gain valuable leadership experience and have tons of fun planning the direction of the organization with the other officers.
  2. Attend chapter meetings--To stay up to date, it is absolutely necessary to attend the biweekly meetings. Also, you can expect free food and beverages.
  3. Participate in community service events--Not only do you gain the satisfaction of helping out the local community, you also have fun with fellow NSCS members and gain NSCS points.
  4. Help out with the PACE initiative--Help mentor middle school kids in math. Read more here.
  5. Come to social events and bring your friends--Fun and food!

Meeting Time and Location

For spring 2011, 

  •     Time: Every other Monday, 5:00-6:00pm
  •     Location: Klaus 1447